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Minyan Location: 

  • Evening minyan is at Bet Torah. To join on Zoom click here.

Bet Torah’s commitment to prayer is best expressed by our daily morning and evening services.

Bet Torah is proud to offer daily in person (and via Zoom) minyan services throughout the year. Below you will find information about these services and any changes (e.g. location, new Zoom link, time) will be listed in the gray box above. 

As part of our tradition, congregants may make a tzedakah donation in combination with their minyan attendance. Check out this blog article to learn more! Feel free to use this link whether you are attending in-person (a QR code is displayed in the Chapel) or via Zoom:

Minyan tzedakah

Join Us In-Person at Bet Torah

Please join us in-person for daily minyan services at Bet Torah. Your attendance will count towards "making minyan" and is always meaningful, especially for our congregants in mourning. Note: We move our daily evening minyan to shiva homes as needed (see gray box above).

Check your email, the Minyan WhatsApp group text (see below for more information), or call the office (914) 666-7595 during office hours to confirm the location of the evening minyan.


  • Sunday: 9am
  • Tuesday: 8am - including coffee & bagels! 
  • Saturday: 9:30am Shabbat service


  • Monday through Thursday: 7:30pm
  • Friday Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:30pm
  • When a congregant is sitting shiva over a Sunday, services may also be held Sunday, 6:30pm.

Join Us via Zoom

We welcome Zoom participation for weekday and Sunday services. Please remember that only in-person worshipers will be counted toward making minyan when services are conducted both in-person AND via Zoom.

NOTE: All Bet Torah Zoom services are password protected. Congregants may call the office for the current password during office hours.




*includes the Prayers for the IDF and Acheinu, and the Omer prayers

Sunday: 9am In-Person & Zoom
Monday: 8am Zoom
Tuesday: 8am In-Person & Zoom
Wednesday: 8am Zoom
Thursday: 8am Zoom
Friday: 8am Zoom




*includes the Prayers for the IDF and Acheinu, and the Omer prayers

Monday through Thursday: 7:30pm In-Person and on Zoom. We conduct a zecher l’mincha (a remembrance of the afternoon service) followed by a full evening ma'ariv service ending at about 7:45pm.

MakeTen WhatsApp Group

WhatsApp provides an easy way to ensure we meet our minimum 10 participants. By signing up for this platform, you are not committing to attending minyan services; rather you can simply add your name to the WhatsApp list any evening you will be attending. 

You can participate in the Minyan WhatsApp Group by clicking THIS LINK from your phone or scanning this QR code with your cell phone camera and requesting admittance to our Bet Torah group. 


Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785